AA Group – China CEO Visit to KSA

In his last visit to KSA, AA Group China branch chairman, met with potential investors and presidents of leading international and Saudi groups to seek opportunities of cooperation between AA Group and the other companies. Most of the meetings were productive and China chairman is looking forward to achieving the goals of his visit in the very near future.
Because of the diversity of fields and sectors that AA Group handles, a Client Care Unit (CCU) was established in cooperation with GBS. This section was made to study the clients' cases, needs, outlook and vision of their investments. One of the first things this department had established is the saying that: “Our Client is Our Partner”. From this prospective, AA Group's client based business does not only include individual investors but also government departments, investment groups, international companies and even security houses. The CCU was very successful in adding a new dimension to the client based business; now our clients are enjoying a state-of-the-art services that start from evaluation to monitoring performance of their investments.